Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Distrust of elites

i have been accused of this. It seems to becoming common in large parts of the world. Elites seem to have benefited from globalisation and in spite of sprouting eqality and fraternity, they seem to look after their own interests. An article Mukul Kesavan on the ongoing citizenship controversy in India An evil hour mentions some of it: “...the problem with liberals is that they expected abstract ideas to win political victories whereas the truth was that in real life “[d]emocratic struggles for high principles do not happen in a vacuum.” The only way that liberals can prevail against the BJP’s clear-headed majoritarianism is if their “... principles [were] married to lived realities and actual group anxieties.””
Another piece How liberalism became ‘the god that failed’ in eastern Europe by Ivan Krastev and Stephen Holmes from their book The light that failed.

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