Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Some war profiteers


Alastair Crooke again

Monday, October 30, 2023

Eschatological Frenzy


Sunday, October 29, 2023

Musk wants to provide Starlink support to Gaza aid groups


Friday, October 27, 2023

A rose for Gramsci


Scott Ritter’s views i military aspects

At 18.55, there is some comment of Obama weighing in. There is this nnews report from The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/oct/24/obama-israel-food-water-gaza?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other&mibextid=Zxz2cZ&fbclid=IwAR07SNegMVD3vbZyccXYpJo_CT2xHib8LGVPe82GhZ1w_NFcF_qUI3ZZgSA

And Jeffrey Sachs


Alastair Crooke with Judge Napolitano

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Simplicius on the Battle for Avdeevka


Making Gaza uninhabitable


Friday, October 20, 2023

Trouble brewing


Garland Nixon with Scott Ritter

Douglas Macgregor on Gaza conflict

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Alistair Crooke on Gaza

P.S. Today https://strategic-culture.su/news/2023/10/16/pulling-the-roof-down-on-todays-paradigm/

Saturday, October 14, 2023

A game theoretic look at the Palestine conflict by ALEXIA TEFEL–ESCUDERO

Rober J. Aumann prize winner Conflicts and Cooperation: A Game Theory Analysis of the Israeli–Palestinian Conflict https://dadun.unav.edu/bitstream/10171/63057/1/rhereder%2C%2003.pdf

Different views on Hamas-Israeli conflict

Friday, October 13, 2023

Another account of Hamas-Israeli conflict from the point of view of some journalists


New Rules with Alastair Crooke

https://sputnikglobe.com/20231012/israel-not-prepared-for-hezbollahs-second-front---alastair-crooke-1114141013.html https://rumble.com/v3oqlqp-israel-palestine-war-us-faces-catastrophe-in-middle-east.html

Scott Ritter and Andre Martyanov on Israel and Ukraine

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Alastair Crooke in a discussion in ‘The Duran’


Old age blues

Last few weeks I have been thinking of accessibility of finitely presented groups proved by Martin Dunwoody in 1983. I thought about it around 1974 and had the right ideas. But at that time algebra was not really my area and I gave up on some good problems after getting the right ideas. I also thought that may be one can use minimal surfaces but knew very little of the area. I gave a talk in Stoney Brook around 1979-80about it and Gromov was in the audience. Then after coming to Melbourne, in random browsing of our departmental library, I saw a volume in honour of some mathematician, may be I.M. Gelfand, and there was a paper by Gromov proving accessibility using minimal surfaces in higher dimensions. I even remember he used dimensions bigger than 6. I have a visual memory of the book and the paper. Recently, I started thinking about it since Peter Scott with me and two others developed an analogue of minimal surfaces for groups. I tried to ask friends about it but nobody knows about Gromov’s proof. Meanwhile our departmental library closed and the books were sent other libraries in the University. I cannot find the book. I wonder what is happening. Did I imagine all this. My working on mathematics is very haphazard. I basically learnt by myself. It was more passion than ambition. So there are lot of gaps in my knowledge of the areas I work. I often follow the general outline and try to fill the gaps later. For example, I did not read some of Waldhausen’s papers in 1969 but found simple proofs around 2002. I do not know whether it is one of those things or whether I really imagined the whole thing. I wrote to Gromov yesterday and I do not know whether he will reply. It surprises me that i did and can do some mathematics. I have no confidence in my abilities or any ambition. But if some thing bugs me, I keep thinking about it sometimes for years. I have also been lucky with collaborators, that after the age of 45 or so. But I did a few interesting things before. Anyway, I am puzzled by how I have been able to do some mathematics and even made a living given that I come from a farming family.

Russia reorienting towards the Arabs says John Helmer


Hellaro song with English subtitles

Langlands on Harish-Chandra


Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Brian Berletic on Hamas-Israeli cinflict

He also discusses the military resources and the geopolitical problems particularly with neighbours

Hamas used Huawei phones and tablets

Douglas Macgregor on the Hamas-Israel conflict

The Duran on Hamas-Israeli conflict

Claudia Goldin


Monday, October 09, 2023

More guesses about the Hamas -Israel conflict

https://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2023/10/the-top-ten-takeaways-from-hamas-sneak-attack-on-israel.html some suggest that US has been looking for an exit from the Ukraine conflict and this lrovides with various further possibilities. But so many Israeli casualities do not suggest a deliberate neglect; though it is possibilities that it exceeded expectations.it may delat Saudi-Israeli rapproachmdnt which may point the finger at Iran. Again it may spoil the relations between Saudi Arabia and iran and provide a way to disrupt Brics. Nobody seems to know and all seem to agree that it is bad news which will lead to worse things to come.

Various theories of Hamas-Israel conflict, some more unbelievable than others


Scott Ritter on Israeli intelligence failure


Saturday, October 07, 2023

Alex Christoforou describes the latest Putin speech

https://youtu.be/YX_s8NqvWEk?si=_5tMy7htNBjqsHf6 problems with posting links. It seems that these links have to be copied and then tried on the browser.

Friday, October 06, 2023

The beginning of the long fall for Ukraine


Tuesday, October 03, 2023

Simplicius on Army War College report

https://simplicius76.substack.com/p/army-war-college-report-predicts "But alas, ever the stoic practitioner of the ‘long game’, I doubt Putin will give them the uncharacteristic slipup they’re counting on to salvage their disastrous Ukrainian campaign. Painful as it might be for us to take some of the obviously deliberate provocations ‘on the cheek,’ good chance remains that sometime in the future, after Ukraine’s rapid disintegration and subsequent capitulation—perhaps even only a year or two from now—we may recognize, in hindsight, the wisdom of the strategy which staved off nuclear war by way of a methodical, unwavering, and strategically disciplined approach."

Sunday, October 01, 2023

Two posts on Indo-US relations

https://www.indianpunchline.com/india-wont-be-bullied-in-multipolar-setting/ from Bhadrakumar, and https://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2023/10/us-tries-to-play-hardball-with-india.html?fbclid=IwAR2bpI8Ii5x9GSpgSP5yzWtMFkcKxWvWb6oiEGbnYhHA12Bx_vkYCLMazqk from Conor Gallagher in Naked Capitalism

The ends of knowledge

https://aeon.co/essays/should-academic-disciplines-have-both-a-purpose-and-a-finish-date from Aeon.