Monday, January 29, 2024

An update from Simplicius the thinker

on Middle East and Ukraine

Namit Arora videos on Indians, part 4

Russia Iran deal

Friday, January 26, 2024

Review of two books on free will A discussion by the authors

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Gilbert Doctorow on Putin’s decency "Is Putin’s decency inviting a world war? Comments on a new article by Paul Craig Roberts" see also

Two classical songs from Hindi films

Without comment

Hard wired for corruption

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Ravisastri writingsరావి_శాస్త్రి_రచనా_సాగరం.pdf?token=AWzY7LeIL3RYbQFZNxJK2OALMHVliGjylGb4l4OOwXbK_EZOr5Oxz8rHZeotzK877nS5UMZzlvZz7LbM-YLWK37ixV_XCwnUlh2zu9AYMupJTOjpncsALYZtzjhF2SOeN_AfySKrLJWuQ27nWu3j0vh1tc8eZCsh8HCgJzQe3iz0jmTHGlEZJIVTdesGN-j_n_BSzBA8ULTdUklvZE6PXHs4dseMlGNrhxJpRvjZ11Clxs7b0GLuHi3mq7BDq4xROaRRYA4ADB_wCj7XdF6K10eUJCU0Ls7lWTfUsYXsiAzrKLvDf5UCoo9jjPnRo8cNkWqaZjxGndBeG46sydpDUbQjZDNBsPQqCLzGD5uVqpV5CC1LU8Tvgtt56F6z1YibvULTu_4GdHcEjhgVTTS4lIBZ95lZkDq_i2nIEVNZHmESEyVrD5wrdnQPG4WGFcSDYrzv9JmsIzpy89EbdIlGf_1_Xx4f6l1KfiObJ3rcXdYGjg

Monday, January 22, 2024

Michael Hudson interview with Danny Haiphong

"...—and America is willing to fight to the last Israeli, just as it’s willing—it’s trying to fight to the last Ukrainian in order to make this final grab of the Near East in fighting Iran."

Sunday, January 21, 2024

An update from Simplicious

New Rules podcast of Alastair crooke

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Erdogan’s double game?

Pepe Escobar reviews Emmanuel Todd’s new book

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Meta Joota hai Japan I, Lata version

Lakshmi vadina

Lakshmi ( I do not the full name, wife of cousin Mammaneni Ramamohanarao Rao ) passed away a few days ago at the age of 90. I think that she has ph.d in economics but I am not sure. She taught in an institute in Delhi and had three daughters all ph.d I think. I interacted with her in Delhi during the 1980s and met her several times later and talked to her on the phone too. She was a treasure of stories about Andhra villages and farming families from around 1940s. Many of us wanted to record her stories but never did. Her brother in law K.L.Krishna is an economist and worked in Delhi School of Economics for a long time. Like Krishna she was a gentle and kind person. But I always felt that like many women of her generation, she did not realise her intellectual potential but enlightened many people during her life. One of Lakskmi's stories: This is about a Brahmin lady in her village in Krishna district. As a child she is used to hear her father recite vedas and remember them. later on she was considered an expert on Hinduism and the villagers to go to her for interpretation of Hinduism. This became useful to another poor brahmin girl in the village. The girl came from large family and was married off to an old brahmin in a nearby village. The old man was already living with a Dommara woman and the girl was abused and made to serve both of them. The girl could not take it and after a while came back home and said that she would commit suicide if she was sent back. The parents let her stay and the girl who was musically talented started teaching music. one of her students was a landowner with a sick wife and three dughters. Soon after she shifted to nearby town Masulipatam where it was more lucrative to teach music. The landowner too often visited Masulipatam to continue the lessons. A liason developed between the two and continued for years. one day, the girl now a woman heard that her lover was seriously sick. She came to the village, walked through the main street and went to his house. There was an uproar in the village and the landowners wanted to kill her. Lakshmi's father protested saying that it was the fault of both and if she is killed, he should be killed too. The matters stood there when the villagers went to the old brahmin lady for her opinion. There was also simultaneous talk of banishing her family from the village. The old lady came up with a compromise formula, which was that nobody would be killed or banished but from then on the young lady should be barred from visiting her parents. This formula was finally adopted and the young lady was allowed to live in her lover's house looking after his sick wife and daughters.They more or less lived happily afterwards but problems developed during the marriages of the daughters. Prospective groom's parents did not want to have such a lady in the marriage arrangements. it seems that one of the girls refused to have such martiages if her new mother was not accepted as part of the family. There were other problems too when the lady wanted to visit her sick mother. Lakshmi who was a young girl at that time used to open their door open so that the lady could enter their house and could go through the backdoor to visit her mother. That is what Invaguely remember of one of her stories, probably very distorted since I listened to her about thirty years ago.

Slicing and Dicing videos, below both have David Thunder.

Bhadrakumar on the end of the siege of Leningrad

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Simplicius on Yemen

Simplicius in his latest substack post says”Russia launched over 7500 missiles at Ukraine—a country that has most of its infrastructure out ‘in the open’, and many people regard Ukraine as hardly having been industrially attrited after 2 years of such continued bombardment. Now imagine what a measly pittance of 70-100 aging Tomahawk missiles is going to do to a country with highly decentralized military structures spread across the deserts. In short: nothing.”

Pope on gluttony,not%20take%20over%20our%20lives.%22 From a "social point of view," he said, "gluttony is perhaps the most dangerous vice, which is killing the planet."

Thursday, January 11, 2024

‘Something Lost, Never to be Found Again’ by Alastair Crooke

Megh Santoor

Monday, January 08, 2024

Bismarck’s influence on Stalin and Putin

The Duran discussion with historian Geoffrey Roberts.

Sunday, January 07, 2024

Cole’s Express becomes Reddy Express

The name ‘Reddy’ brings back some interesting memories. Around 1974 we had visitor from Andhra with his daughter in law and two month old grandchild. He wanted to send them to her husband in West Indies. After few days in Bombay, the trip was arranged and she got in to the flight. I panicked since she did not know any English and the flight had a long stop over in London. During my stay in Liverpool, I knew there were a number of Telugu doctors in the infirmary there and I decided there must be also a Reddy among them. So I phoned in the Infirmary asking for Dr.Reddy. There was one and he was very helpful. Ha said that he could not go to London but will arrange with friends in London to meet her and facilitate the travel. After a few weeks I heard from one of her relatives that she reached West Indies safely. That is Reddy for you. Today I saw this on what used to be Coles Express. Apparently, they wanted to change it to Ready Express but found that the name is already taken. So this is the result.

Ohm Kalthoum

Seems to be from 1935, the tune that inspired 'Awara Hoon'. a similar tune appears around 1:25 in the movie Wedad Her biography

Saturday, January 06, 2024

Alistair crooke: US drawn onto Israel path

Wednesday, January 03, 2024