Saturday, April 11, 2015

Some Indian families abroad

I do not know socially too many people here, only some Telugu couples mostly in their late fifties or sixties ans some with grandchildren. Children mostly settled in jobs some where or other. But an interesting (to me) in the phenomenon is during the last couple of years, women tend to gather among themselves, go shopping or lunches, or night outs and sleepovers and chat for long periods etc without husbands. Most of them seem happily married, though I think that they were mostly arranged marriages and worked hard throughout their lives for their families and are all in reasonably well off economically. As a husband, my thoughts go along the lines that even for good women, may be Indian husbands tend to take their wives for granted and that marriages have not been that interesting. With some economic freedom and with the traditional responsibilities essentially over, may be it is time for them to enjoy the time that is left in the ways they know. My nephew Jaykar, who grew up in USA, once put it rather harshly that there is no love in Indian marriages. I would not go that far, but may be old habits die hard. There has been a consistent pattern of men and women sitting separately in parties and similar segregated patterns which many of us really did not get rid of.
P.S. (via 3quarksdaily) "On the one hand, the half-century span of Vladimir’s love letters to VĂ©ra do follow the neurobiological progression of love, moving from the passionate attraction that defines the beginning of a romance to the deep, calmer attachment of longtime love. On the other, however, they suggest that the very act of writing love letters can help sustain the excitement and passion of a long-term relationship, countering what Stendhal called the “crystallization” that leads to disenchantment." from…/letters-to-vera-vladimir-na…/

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