Sunday, March 09, 2008

Fear of snakes

What does this video tell us about the fear of snakes? This is from a discussion in Evo.Psych. group where this example was considered as a proof that humans have no instinctive fear of snakes. I thnk that, as usual, the problem is more complex.
Susan Mineka has pubished papers since 1980 on this topic. A short description of her experiments is here: "Mineka, along with University of Wisconsin psychologist Michael Cook, put the theory to a test in six rhesus monkeys. Reared in the lab, the animals had no prior exposure to snakes. The psychologists showed a videotape of wild-reared monkeys reacting with horror to snakes. Within 24 minutes, the lab monkeys acquired a fear of snakes.

The psychologists then edited fake flowers, a toy snake, a toy rabbit, and a toy crocodile into the video. Tests later showed that after 40 to 60 seconds of exposure to each object, the monkeys feared only the toy snakes and crocodiles."This work is also described by Matt Ridley in 'Nature via Nurture' Here is a recent\

paper on the topic by Susan Mineka and Arne Ohman.
P.S. The last link does not seem to work. Googling under 'The Malicious Serpent: Snakes as a Prototypical Stimulus ' sometimes gives the link. The paper appeared i 'Current Directions in Psychological Science', vol. 12, issue 1, pages 5-9, February 2003. Abstract here.

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